Please join us in welcoming Stephen Bourque, who will be teaching a more traditional form of Yin Yoga on Saturday’s and Tuesday’s here at Nourish BodyMindSoul.
He is offering a FREE class on Saturday April 13th at 10:00 am to introduce you to some of the themes and poses of Yin yoga. Yin yoga is a relatively modern style of yoga that was developed around the late 20th century, primarily through the teachings of Paul Grilley. Since its inception, Yin yoga has expanded, developed, and progressed into its own distinct form of Yoga practice. Philosophically it explores many Ancient Chinese practices such as Taoism and Buddhism. Yin poses are held for longer durations of time and ask the practitioner to find comfortable levels of stress in each pose which in turn helps to target the health and rehabilitation of connective tissue (fascia, ligaments, tendons, etc.).
Yin yoga is a complementary practice to more active styles of activity (such as vinyasa yoga, weight lifting, running, etc.) and explores varying styles of meditation and breathwork which aim to cultivate more yin-like qualities (stillness, quietude, receptivity, etc.). Please join Stephen as we move through a yin sequence in a calming, nurturing, and accepting atmosphere!