Tag Archive for: 8-fold path of yoga

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In Nourish’s classes, you will be guided not only in physical poses, but also in practices that enhance your daily life. These Practices are laid forth in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras which was written in India in the early centuries CE. I have laid them forth in the simplest of terms, but know that as you Practice Yoga, these will take on deeper meaning. Just as we explore our body through many layers (koshas), gross to subtle, you will find that these limbs speak to many facets of your being. I invite you to purchase a copy of The Yoga Sutras and begin to explore.

1. Yama: Correct behavior toward others.

  • Nonviolence
  • Truthfulness
  • Not stealing
  • Not wasting energy
  • Abstaining from greed

2. Niyama: The principles by which you should live your own life

  • Purity
  • Contentment
  • Spiritual observances
  • Self Study
  • Devotion

3. Asana: The yogi’s seat and postures to prepare the body

4. Pranayama: Breathing exercises to regulate energy

5. Pratyahara: Turning the senses inward

6. Dharana: Focused attention; training the mind to meditate

7. Dhyana: A continuous flow, meditation perfected.

8. Samadhi: Unity with higher consciousness

I will continue to contemplate these Limbs and share my musings with you. Stay tuned.

What is Classical Yoga? Seeing it all over the Nourish schedule and curious about what it is?

Classical Yoga follows a thousands year old approach outlined in The Yoga Sutras by Patanjali. This traditional Hatha practice seeks to make the techniques and practices of yoga and the 8-fold path accessible and relevant to the common man. It also incorporates the 5 branches of yoga which inform our daily life. Raja yoga explores with mind-body connection. Karma yoga refers to selfless service or one’s work. Bhakti yoga; devotion. Jnana yoga; Knowledge and Tantra yoga; health. Understanding these various methods of accessing yoga or union allows individuals to be met where they are in their yoga journey.

Our Classical Yoga instructors studied at YogaLife Institute of NH whose lineage traces through the YogaLife Institute of PA to The Yoga Institute in Mumbai, India. In these classes, you can expect a discussion on some aspect of yoga philosophy that informs the way you will move (asana) and breath (pranayama). All levels are welcome and you are encouraged to honor your body’s strengths and limitations, developing compassion for and connection with your inner self. I like to say “We Practice on the mat how to live off the mat.” With that in mind, at the end of class, you may be asked to reflect on what wisdom you gained from your Practice and how you might incorporate that into your daily life.

It is our intention to provide the framework for our students to find within themselves a place of calm and constancy. This creates a stepping stone from which they can address work-life balance, reduce stress and anxiety, sleep better, improve focus, and find a deeper sense of connection to all living beings.