According to Swami Sivananda:
- Yoga is taking care of body/mind/spirit, not seeking after fitness or beauty.
- Yoga is finding the cause of our suffering and showing the way to get out of it – to be free from it.
- Yoga is a system of education for the body, the mind, the intellect, and the inner spirit.
- Yoga is a way of life.
- Yoga is universal, not sectarian or separate.
- Yoga helps us to go to the root of our suffering, spiritual ignorance (not knowing who we really are).
- Yoga brings individual peace of mind and collective peace.
- Yoga is unity in diversity.
- Yoga is self discipline.
- Yoga is life.
- Yoga is simple life.
- Yoga is moderate life.
- Yoga helps us to deal with stress.
- Yoga helps calm emotions.
- Yoga is a balanced mind, strong and steady.
At Nourish, we seek to supply our students with the tools they need to live their lives with ease…to liberate themselves from patterns of belief and behavior that are not in alignment with their True Nature. We do this by sharing the wisdom and Practices of Classical Yoga.